What happens if a more infectious strain of SIMVID-19 predominates in a community? You can see in the simulation that even at a 75% vaccination rate, many people in our imaginary community of 400 will still get infected. We've illustrated some major ones in the scenarios that follow. How quickly a community gets to herd immunity depends on a number of factors.
The disease stops spreading efficiently and starts to fade away. When enough people are immune - through vaccination or natural immunity - a population achieves herd immunity. There are common features in how any infection spreads. We've chosen to simulate a fake disease since there are too many unknowns to simulate the course of COVID-19. When you click 'Run Simulation' above, you are witnessing how a disease can spread through a population and how increased levels of vaccination can stop it in its tracks. What will it take to finally halt the spread of the coronavirus in the U.S.? To answer that question, we've created a simulation of a mock disease we're calling SIMVID-19.